Portfolio Optimization Research
Building a pipeline for my quant trading research.
This Is The Website of Taha Ashtiani.
I write about my hacking projects and other explorations.
🗓️🍺🔨Toronto Code Golf Tournament
Building a pipeline for my quant trading research.
Exploring super bowl ads
notes and ideas on personalizing wealth management
Building a webapp for visualizing spotify audio features, and predicting music genres.
I started working on this project during the summer of 2019, helping an Australian startup with their mvp. There are many well established E-commerce brands in north america, Europe or Austrialia who would love to access their audience in south-asian markets and sell their products with a premium. But It's very challenging for them. And that is the mission of this project.
sql queries for building metrics like churn, retention, MOM growth of acrive users and ... for hackernews forum
searching for niches with high demand and low quantity and quality of supply. collecting sales data on thousands of niches
Exploring city of Toronto building permits
querying walmart's trends, in different states, departments, and categories
A quick checklist for deploying django with postgres on an aws EC2 instance